Watch Barberin’ online!

17 Oct

The full version of Barberin’ has just been posted on, a site on which you can vote for different films. Check it out here.  Vote for our film!  If we get into the top 10, we have a chance to win some really cool prizes.

To vote, you must register on the site, go to the “Judge” tab at the top of the page, select “Video” and then “Documentaries.” The voting competition is completely random (as far as we can figure out), so there is no way to choose which films you get to vote on. Two films are shown (a “battle”), and you pick which one you like best. So if Barberin’ comes up, vote for it. If it doesn’t come up, and you have the time or patience, keep voting on the films until ours pops up in a “battle.”  It doesn’t seem like there is a great deal of good films,or even voting going on, so any little help we get could go a long way.

Either way you can still watch Barberin’ without going through the judging process. Just click on the link above and enjoy.

p.s. the aspect ratio of the film is screwed up on the site (it is vertically stretched out), we are trying to get them to fix it asap.

2 Responses to “Watch Barberin’ online!”

  1. Maximus December 20, 2007 at 11:49 am #

    I would like to see a continuation of the topic

  2. Nikki Feldman January 5, 2008 at 2:40 pm #

    This is all so amazing guys, I just spent forever trying to catch up on it all. Congrats and good luck on the editing….. xx

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